Your Questions & Doubts Answered
I can’t make it to the class, can I get a refund?
Do I need to bring my own ingredients?
I don’t want to be on video. Can I turn it off?
I have special dietary needs.
How long do the classes go for?
Can I invite my friends and family to a class?
Can I just watch instead of doing?
What’s so special about your chefs?
Can I reschedule a class?
Do I need to install Zoom on my phone/tablet/laptop?
Can I ask the instructor questions after the class?
© 2020 Yum Tum. Zoom is a proprietary trademark of U.S. Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Yum Tum is not affiliated with Zoom nor makes any representations for Zoom. For Zoom’s privacy policy please refer to this page. Pictures of food are the best available representation of dishes offered in the classes. However, this does not guarantee that the dishes will come out looking exactly the same during a class. Yum Tum and it’s instructors are not liable for the end result of your cooking effort. Yum Tum cannot be held responsible for the use of ingredients which may cause a medical condition for you. If you have special dietary needs, please inform your instructor prior to the class to make alternative arrangements. Cooking as an activity requires the use of open flames and knives, both of which can be dangerous if misused. Yum Tum and its chefs cannot be held responsible for any injury sustained during a class.