Coffiti (Coffee Graffiti)

christmas work party ideas 2020 - coffee painting

A mindful team experience when coffee meets graffiti! Awaken your inner artist with a cup of coffee! Literally. Coffee isn’t your cup of tea? No worries, we have you covered. 

Paint your thoughts in your own beautiful creative hand-writing with the help of a master painter, but just don’t sip your creation at the end!

This relaxing and thought-provoking team experience is a BIG hit with coffee aficionados, and is a great way to get creative together as a team!

Remember your New Year’s resolution for 2021? How’s that going?

Whether it’s a special greeting to a colleague, team goals, values, motivational quotes or statements, you know how it is. Write something inspirational and audacious in a notebook. Tuck it in a drawer. And then it’s gone! Vanished!

But, there’s a better way to stick to them.

What if we told you, you can learn to paint it in coffee? No, not like the Greek cup of fortune. I mean real espresso.

Take up a brush. Dip it in coffee. And, with a master’s guidance, write your big hairy audacious statements in beautiful calligraphy over a mindful coffee painting experience.

Do this, and we promise you, 2021 will be 10 times better than 2020.

Invigorate your team with some help from coffee

Why Through this mindfulness experience you’re aligning and motivating team members on shared values, building team cohesion and giving team-members a chance to bond over a relaxing and artistic experience.
Team Size Works well for teams of all sizes.
Duration Approx. 60-90 minutes


Izzy is a Brush lettering and Calligraphy expert passionate about helping teams bring out their creative and artistic side.

I love being surrounded by nature, and this is my main source of inspiration to create bespoke calligraphy and illustration designs. I love experimenting with alternative media such as coffee as well 🙂

I have University studies in Fine Arts, and have dedicated many hours of my life to teaching enthusiastic students, and now I’m back to share some love with you in my workshops, especially if you are looking to dive in and create your own pretty letters and decorations.

*Please note: artists may change

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