Manga Team Portrait

Always wondered what the team would look like as manga stars?

End the year with a memorable team portrait together.

Unleash your creativity with a team manga sketch experience hosted by one of our renowned manga artists.

In this fun and immersive session, capture your colleague’s real nature by learning how to draw your teammates as manga stars, with the grand finale being a memorable virtual team portrait.

** Manga sketching is a unique comic style of drawing characters developed in Japan where a focus on the eyes creates insight into the characters personality and emotion.

Bring your team together in manga style

Why Through this experience, you are building team cohesiveness, supporting local artists and businesses.
Team Size Works well for teams of all sizes.
Duration Approx. 60-90 minutes

Manga Artist

Fi is an Australian storyboard and concept artist, illustrator and art teacher, best known for her anime and manga illustration works. 

Her career experiences include a variety of illustration work ranging from storyboarding and portraits, comics, novel covers, promotional works, tattoo designs and apparel, to game artwork and animation

For me, art is a way to express, communicate and inspire teams. Bringing a smile, captivating and moving others with my art is something I find joy in.”

Learn more about the artist during the team experience!

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